ref. č. 8082

We are sorry but the job is no longer open.

Junior Office Manager

Do menší pohodové pobočky v centru Brna hledáme někoho, kdo se postará, aby byla kancelář i všechny procesy 100% v pořádku.


Pozici obsazujeme pro menší brněnskou pobočku mezinárodní společnosti zaměřené na vývoj a implementaci vlastního informačního systému pro pojišťovny.

Na této pozici budete:

  • pečovat o kancelář ve všech směrech, udržovat její bezproblémový chod a pořádek
  • mít na starosti hlídání termínů, kontrolu, zda jsou podmínky ve společnosti vyhovující a v souladu s českým právem
  • organizovat interní akce a konference
  • starat se o onboarding nových kolegů, pomáhat s HR a účetní agendou
  • komunikovat s dalšími pobočkami, účetní, právníkem, i se zaměstnanci
  • pracovat v neformálním prostředí v centru Brna


Hledáme nadšenou a pečlivou posilu, která:

  • má výborné komunikační schopnosti, dokáže se domluvit s kýmkoliv na čemkoliv a to v českém (případně slovenském) i anglickém jazyce
  • ráda komunikuje, nemá problém řešit věci osobně i po telefonu
  • dokáže vystupovat reprezentativně, zároveň ale nezkazí žádnou zábavu
  • umí pracovat s Excelem
  • má vystudovanou vysokou školu zaměřenou na ekonomii/právo/IT, případně je v závěrečném ročníku
  • zvládá stres, time-management, je zvyklá mít vždy vše v pořádku


  • jedná se o hlavní pracovní poměr, plný úvazek (ve výjimečném případě možnost zkráceného úvazku pro studenty)
  • společnost nabízí zajímavé platové ohodnocení, mezi další benefity patří: plně hrazené stravenky, pružná pracovní doba, sick days, kurzy technických i jazykových dovedností dle vlastního výběru, vlastní laptop, plně hrazená multisport karta, pravidelné teambuildingy a další

Pokud Vás nabídka zaměstnání zaujala, zašlete nám svůj životopis nebo odkaz na LinkedIn s uvedením kódu pozice, o kterou se zajímáte.

Uchazeče, kteří postoupí do užšího kola, budeme kontaktovat. Ostatní zařadíme do databáze a budeme je kontaktovat, jakmile pro ně nalezneme jinou vhodnou nabídku.

Locality Brno

Your journey to your dream position in IT matters.

Get in touch with us, and we'll discuss your expectations. We stand by your side in the search for the right opportunity.

Register and activate our smart "watch-mouse" for the ideal position based on your preferred criteria.

We understand that time is a precious commodity in the IT field, thus we focus on fast and comfortable communication for you. Don't have time to create a perfect professional profile? Based on our consultation, we'll review your current career path. We'll provide advice, tips, and strategies that can help in finding the ideal position. We believe that recruitment is based on partnership. Respectful dialogue, open communication, trust, and finding solutions are the foundation of our work.

Your journey to your dream position in IT matters.

Get in touch with us, and we'll discuss your expectations. We stand by your side in the search for the right opportunity.

Register and activate our smart "watch-mouse" for the ideal position based on your preferred criteria.

We understand that time is a precious commodity in the IT field, thus we focus on fast and comfortable communication for you. Don't have time to create a perfect professional profile? Based on our consultation, we'll review your current career path. We'll provide advice, tips, and strategies that can help in finding the ideal position. We believe that recruitment is based on partnership. Respectful dialogue, open communication, trust, and finding solutions are the foundation of our work.

Your journey to your dream position in IT matters.

Get in touch with us, and we'll discuss your expectations. We stand by your side in the search for the right opportunity.

Register and activate our smart "watch-mouse" for the ideal position based on your preferred criteria.

We understand that time is a precious commodity in the IT field, thus we focus on fast and comfortable communication for you. Don't have time to create a perfect professional profile? Based on our consultation, we'll review your current career path. We'll provide advice, tips, and strategies that can help in finding the ideal position. We believe that recruitment is based on partnership. Respectful dialogue, open communication, trust, and finding solutions are the foundation of our work.

Your journey to your dream position in IT matters.

Get in touch with us, and we'll discuss your expectations. We stand by your side in the search for the right opportunity.

Register and activate our smart "watch-mouse" for the ideal position based on your preferred criteria.

We understand that time is a precious commodity in the IT field, thus we focus on fast and comfortable communication for you. Don't have time to create a perfect professional profile? Based on our consultation, we'll review your current career path. We'll provide advice, tips, and strategies that can help in finding the ideal position. We believe that recruitment is based on partnership. Respectful dialogue, open communication, trust, and finding solutions are the foundation of our work.

Your journey to your dream position in IT matters.

Get in touch with us, and we'll discuss your expectations. We stand by your side in the search for the right opportunity.

Register and activate our smart "watch-mouse" for the ideal position based on your preferred criteria.

We understand that time is a precious commodity in the IT field, thus we focus on fast and comfortable communication for you. Don't have time to create a perfect professional profile? Based on our consultation, we'll review your current career path. We'll provide advice, tips, and strategies that can help in finding the ideal position. We believe that recruitment is based on partnership. Respectful dialogue, open communication, trust, and finding solutions are the foundation of our work.

You can do it anywhare